Our projects consist of thinning stands that currently have a major component of quality timber, managing for specific wildlife species, and cutting tracts that have a majority of undesirable or low quality wood we implement a crop tree approach. This allows us to manage all types of stands that we encounter.
Current Forest Products Bids 2024
Weeding/Salvage to Improve Quality
This job consisted of mainly low quality wood that is not adding any value for the landowner. These stands are where we implemented a more intense harvest to allow for crop trees to be released and to start adding value for the landowner. The operation on the left was a removal of the lower quality wood through chipping which allows for complete utilization. As seen above this operation was done in a mixed wood stand consisting of maple, birch, cherry and hemlock. The operation on the right was a salvage operation to remove diseased and dying trees.
Past Projects
Selection Harvest
The example shown above in a our selection harvest we mark the lower quality timber trees to allow trees of better quality to grow. Using a selection harvest it allows us to select specific trees to remove, which better improves the landowners residual trees. This operation was done in a Red Oak and White Oak stand to promote future hardwood growth.
Oak Regeneration & Pole Stock Release
The example shown above is located in a mixedwood stand consisting of Oak regeneration and pole stock and White pine. The harvest conducted released the Oak to start converting the current stand make up to completely hardwood.